Ursula Sax – Blauer Salon
December 1, 2017 – January 20, 2018

Ursula Sax – Blauer Salon
Exhibition view
Photo: Lukas Heibges

Ursula Sax – Blauer Salon
Exhibition view
Photo: Lukas Heibges

O. T. (Tafel 0)/ Untitled (Tablet 0) No. 1/3
2017, ca. 90 x 56 x 41 cm, aluminum, powder-coated
Photo: Lukas Heibges

Ausgang/ Exit No. 1/3
2017, ca. 112 x 101 x 43,5 cm, aluminum, powder-coated
Photo: Lukas Heibges

Ursula Sax – Blauer Salon
Exhibition view
Photo: Lukas Heibges

Dreierlei/ Three Ways No. 1/3
2017, ca. 140 x 58,8 x 53,3 cm, aluminum, powder-coated
Photo: Lukas Heibges

Ursula Sax – Blauer Salon with Haus/ House (front) and Dach/ Roof (rear)
Exhibition view
Photo: Lukas Heibges

Haus/ House No. 1/3
2017, ca. 41 x 73 x 64 cm, aluminum, powder-coated
Photo: Lukas Heibges

Ursula Sax – Blauer Salon
Exhibition view
Photo: Lukas Heibges

Dach/ Roof No. 1/3
2017, ca. 89 x 100 x 50 cm, aluminum, powder-coated
Photo: Lukas Heibges

Ursula Sax – Blauer Salon
Exhibition view
Photo: Lukas Heibges

1988, ca. 89 x 87 x 40,5 cm, aluminum, powder-coated; unicate
Photo: Lukas Heibges

Blauer Vogel15/ Blue Bird15 (1:2) Nr. 1/7, 2016, ca. 16,5 x 80 x 8 cm, aluminum, powder-coated
Photo: Lukas Heibges
Blauer Vogel (1:1) was shown 2016 at Semjon Contemporary at Straßen-Salon, in which the 4 m long hangig sculpture was floating majestical in the space and dominating it.