Renate Hampke: Fingered – Stripped Frottages
January 26 – February 24, 2018

Motif of the invitation card, detail of Gefingered/ Fingered
Photo: Jürgen Baumann

Motif of the invitation card, Sukzessive Hälften/ Successive Halfs, 2015
Photo: Jürgen Baumann

Exhibition view; photo: Jürgen Baumann

Exhibition view; photo: Jürgen Baumann

Exhibition view; photo: Jürgen Baumann

Exhibition view; photo: Jürgen Baumann

Goldfinger 1/2018, 2018, 55,8 x 82,1 cm, black MDF, antique gold; photo: Jürgen Baumann

Gefingert 1/2015 / Fingered 1/2015, 2015
29,7 x 21 x 0,3 cm, 2015, charcoal on poplar wood
Photo: Jürgen Baumann

Gefingert 2/2017 /Fingered 2/2017, 2017, 42 x 59,4 cm, charcoal on poplar wood
Photo: Jürgen Baumann

Knoten mit Scheibe auf Kubus II /Knot with disk on cubus II, 2017, ca. 35 x 25,2 x 25,2 cm, bycicle tube, flex disk, soap, liquorice, wood; photo: Jürgen Baumann

Gefingert 5/2017 / Fingered 5/2017, 2017, ,55,8 x 42 cm, charcoal on poplar wood; photo: Jürgen Baumann

Exhibition view; photo: Jürgen Baumann

Knotenturm / Knot tower, 2017, 48 x 19 x 19 cm, trouvaille, bycicle tube; photo: Jürgen Baumann

Nackte Frottage II / Stripped Frottage II, 2016, 29,5 x 42 cm, graphit on poplar wood
Photo: Jürgen Baumann

Nackte Frottage IV / Stripped Frottage IV, 2016, 29,5 x 42 cm, graphit on poplar wood
Photo: Jürgen Baumann

Knoten 11/2017 b / Knot 11/2017 b, 2017, ca. 13 x 15 x 15 cm, bycicle tube, soap, wood graphite
Photo: Jürgen Baumann