Dittmar Danner aka Krüger
It’s not dark yet…
10/12 – 11/24/2018

Motif of the invitation card
Dittmar Danner aka Krüger in front of his painting
It's not dark yet-M-20-2018
Photo: Jürgen Baumann

View into the exhibition; photo: Jürgen Baumann

View into the exhibition with It's not dark yet-M-20-2018 (large format)
Photo: Jürgen Baumann

View into the exhibition; photo: Jürgen Baumann

View into the exhibition; Schaulager towards Garten-Salon
Photo: Jürgen Baumann

It's not dark yet-M23-2018
2018, 240 x 180 cm, acrylic paint on canvas
Photo: Jürgen Baumann

View into the exhibition at Garten-Salon
Photo: Jürgen Baumann

It's not dark yet-M24-2018
2018, 240 x 180 cm, acrylic paint on canvas
Photo: Jürgen Baumann

View of the installation of some paintings at Garten-Salon; photo: Jürgen Baumann

It's not dark yet-M-13-2018
2018, 120 x 90 cm, acrylic paint on canvas
Photo: Jürgen Baumann

Gartensalon; with wall sculptures by Ursula Sax and a bronze sculpture by Michael Kutschbach
Photo: Jürgen Baumann

It's not dark yet-M29-2018
2018, 50 x 50 cm, acrylic paint on canvas
Photo: Jürgen Baumann

The artist in his exhibition, October 2018; photo: Jürgen Baumann