Dirk Rathke – Painting & Folding

Dirk Rathke Rote Faltung (#791), 2017, 43 x 42 x 15 cm, enamel varnish on steel
Photo: Dirk Rathke

Dirk Rathke
O. T. / Untitled (#791), (detail)
2017, 42 x 60 x 9 cm, oil on cotton
Photo: Dirk Rathke

View into the exhibition with a choreographed installation of his paintings and Foldings.
Photo: Dirk Rathke

View into the exhibition with his 'classical' paintings
Photo: Dirk Rathke

View into the exhibition (detail). The encounter of his Zeichnung für Berliner Decke (Schröderstr. 1) from 2014 with two new Foldings.
Photo: Dirk Rathke

Triptychon/Triptych (#793)
2017, 52 x 27 x 7 cm, steel, spray paint
Photo: Dirk Rathke

Faltung/Folding (#797)
2017, 59 x 41 x 27,4 cm, steel, spray paint
Photo: Dirk Rathke