un / framed space
E. Sonneck & D. Danner aka Krüger

View into the exhibition (main space) with works by by Dittmar Danner aka Krüger (canvas) and by Elisabeth Sonneck
Photo: Jürgen Baumann

View into the exhibition (main space) with works by Elisabeth Sonneck
Photo: Jürgen Baumann
For more views and informations, please check the portfolio

View into the Kleines Kabinett with It‘s not dark yet-M-52-2020 (Krüger) und Rollbild95 fortsetzung folgt (Sonneck); photo: Jürgen Baumann

View into the Schaulager with canvas paintings by both artists; photo: Jürgen Baumann
For more views and informations, please check the portfolio

View into the exhibition (at Straßen-Salon) with a painting (canvas) by Dittmar Danner aka Krüger. The other works by Elisabeth Sonneck
Photo: Jürgen Baumann

Rollbild94 doppelrolle, 2021, ca. 300 x 300 x 300 cm (site specific), 3 x oil on paper, (each 125 x 315 / 450 / 400 cm), 3 band irons, 2 stones, nylon thread; photo: Jürgen Baumann

It‘s not dark yet-M-60-2021 by Dittmar Danner aka Krüger, 2021, 160 x 120 cm, Acryl auf Leinwand / acrylic paint on canvas; photo: Jürgen Baumann
For more views and informations, please check the portfolio