View into the exhibition with works by MK Kaehne (gouache and sculpture) and a painting by Mia Witte and Stefan Thiel (on the right); photo: Eric Tschernow
MK Kaehne, »Mother was a friend of …« (from the cycle »Mutter«, 2020/2021, 181 x 68 x 52 cm (mit pedestal), silicon, hairs, wood, sweat shirt, embroidered; photo: Eric Tschernow
MK Kaehne, »Mother was a friend of …« (from the cycle »Mutter«, 2020/2021, 181 x 68 x 52 cm (mit pedestal), silicon, hairs, wood, sweat shirt, embroidered; photo: Eric Tschernow
View into the exhibition with works by Harald Kohlmetz (painting), Gil Shachar (sculpture), Stefan Thiel (painting) and Ursula Sax (wall sculpture ); photo: Eric Tschernow
Ursula Sax »Untitled« (paper glue object), 1994, 72 x 16 x 12 cm, papier-mâché; photo: Lukas Heibges
View into the exhibition with works by Harald Kohlmetz (left), Gil Shachar (sculpture) and Stefan Thiel; photo: Eric Tschernow
View into the ‘Kleines Schaulager’ with works by Harald Kohlmetz (paintings) and MK Kaehne (»Paranoia«). Above: a work by Ursula Sax and Dirk Rathke (right): photo: Eric Teschernow
MK Kaehne, »Paranoia.That is my business.«, 26,8 x 76 x 22 cm (with pedestal and acrylic case), artifcial resin, velours, LED letters; photo: Eric Tschernow
‘Garten-Salon’: left: Mia Witte, Gil Shachar (sculpture), Stefan Thiel (painting), Renate Hampke (wall sculpture) and painting on paper by Olaf Hajek; photo: Eric Tschernow
Renate Hampke, »Afrikana«, 2012, ca. 85 x 72 x 2 cm, luggage rack, mudguard, cable ties (leftovers); photo: Jürgen Baumann
‘Garten-Salon’, left side: »Schöneberger Trias (Frank, Semjon and Adelheid)« by Henrik U. Müller, a collage painting by Olaf Hajek and on the right side, in front: »David« by Gil Shachar; photo: Eric Tschernow
Henrik U. Müller »Schöneberger Trias (Frank, Semjon und Adelheid), 2009, 112 x 94,5 cm, UV transfer foil, inkjet print, Composition gold; photo: Eric Tschernow
en face – Porträt +Porträt (II)
(Malerei. Zeichnung. Skulptur.)
mit Werken | with works by
Olaf Hajek, Renate Hampke, MK Kaehne, Harald Kohlmetz, Henrik U. Müller, Ursula Sax, Gil Shachar, Stefan Thiel und Mia Witte
26. April – 25. Mai 2024