Exhibition view with the tondi ” Gamma #1″ and “Gamma #2′ and the “Bianki” series” and “Espen”; photo: Eric Tschernow
Exhibition view with the tondi ” Gamma #1″ and “Gamma #2′ and the “Bianki” series”; photo: Eric Tschernow
“Espen” in front of the blue wall in the “Gamma” exhibition by Bettina Weiß; 2023, 110 x 110 cm, oil and acrylic on canvas; photo: Eric Tschernow
Exhibition view with “Portrait of a Secret Landscape” series and “Aurora” and “Triops #2”; photo: Eric Tschernow
Bettina Weiß – Gamma
16.12.2023 – 27.1.2024
Eröffnung: Freitag, den 15.12., 19 – 21.30 Uhr
Künstlergespräch (deutsch)
Samstag, 13.1., 15 Uhr (um Anmeldung wird gebeten: office {at} semjoncontemporary.com)