Dialog by Invitation
Dirk Rathke – Rainer Splitt

Instalation view of Dialog by Invitation No. 1 – Dirk Rathke : Rainer Splitt, right gallery side, with Zeichnung für Berliner Decke by Dirk Rathke, Farbguss and Paper Pool by Rainer Splitt; photo: Lukas Heibges

Ausstellungsansicht von Dialog by Invitation No. 1 – Dirk Rathke : Rainer Splitt, left side with Constellation # 1 by Dirk Rathke; photo: Lukas Heibges

Installation view of Dialog by Invitation No. 1 – Dirk Rathke : Rainer Splitt, right gallery side with Farbguss and Paper Pool by Rainer Splitt; photo: Lukas Heibges

Constellation # 1 (two-part), Dirk Rathke, 2014, acrylic and oil verf; photo: Lukas Heibges

Detail of Constellation # 1 by Dirk Rathke; photo: Lukas Heibges

Detail of Constellation # 1, 2014 by Dirk Rathke; photo: Lukas Heibges

Farbguss and Paper Pool (detail) by Rainer Splitt; photo: Lukas Heibges

Paper Pool (Rainer Splitt), 2013, 50 x 50 cm, Synthetik resin lacquer on Fabriano paper; photo: Lukas Heibges